When you feel defeated, everything takes longer. How do you wrangle in your thinking to find the goodness and possibility when it seems things outside your control continue to erode? It requires looking at where you’ve been, reconsidering what’s possible, and creating space to think about what’s occurring from another angle, a different perspective, and with a different attitude. It…
Are you kind to yourself? Most leaders hold themselves to high standards. Often, they set a higher bar for themselves than for those around them. It’s a curious thing. Most of us could benefit from compassion for ourselves as well as extending it to others. Our ability to respect boundaries, set limits, and challenge ourselves while challenging the status quo…
Choice is a big deal. When it appears we have none, it’s still a choice to do nothing. When you do nothing, you’ve made a choice. People can feel victimized when they do nothing and something happens. It’s usually the something they wish didn’t happen. It happens because they did nothing, which is a choice, even if subconsciously. Choose.
It’s simple really, yet so few of us do it. Paying attention to all we procrastinate is an opportunity for delegation. Most leaders are poor at delegation, or at the very least, they delegate the minimal amount at the most commonly understood level. What if you could delegate 80% of all you do to others who were amazingly capable of…
What does it mean to be intentional? One of the definitions is to be “done on purpose.” Asking the question about how much you do “on purpose” is an interesting one. When you slow to hear the verbiage, it begs the question, what is your purpose? I was in a workshop recently exploring purpose and the leader asked participants if…
While working with a client doing annual planning, we embarked on a robust conversation about culture. The company will be 100 years old in just a few years, and the leadership team has a commitment to excellence befitting its century-strong legacy. One of the team members offered a great question to measure culture with: “How did you help your coworkers…
Consistency. It’s elusive to many of us. When learning, it’s the deal maker. When seeking mastery, it separates those who excel from those who don’t. In any situation where you seek to deliver excellence, from cooking to performing, doing your work to playing sports, learning an instrument or a new language, art, leadership or any other venture – it requires…
Three simple rules in life: When it seems things are chaotic and changing, how can these three rules cut through the clutter and help you move forward a little or a lot? What will it take for you to realize your own thinking gets in your way more than anything else? My way of articulating the very same things: Make…
Only 9.2 percent of people ever achieve their New Year’s resolutions and break free from their bad habits. So why do so many people continue to overload their worlds with new commitments when the calendar changes each year, only to reinforce what doesn’t work? Let’s start with timing. The right time to set your resolution is the time that you’ll…
I’m a problem solver. When faced with a challenge, my natural tendency is to do something about it ASAP. It’s uncomfortable to sit with a challenge and not take action. I’ve conditioned myself to respond quickly and release the pressure of things not working and feel productive moving forward with progress of some sort. It’s in my DNA to do. …