Getting Started When You’re Stalled #1026 

by Sue Hawkes

When things are challenging, many of us get stalled at starting and proceed to feel bad.  Once we feel bad, we justify our inaction creating stories, rationalizations, excuses, and justifications thinking our feelings are reason enough to remain stuck.  We do other things, deprioritize the “big” thing we need to do that might be new, different, larger in scope, or…

Sue HawkesGetting Started When You’re Stalled #1026

10 Great Questions #1025 

by Sue Hawkes

Today I’m thinking about great questions, so I’m including some random, unrelated questions in my recent reading. I hope one or more of them inspires some great thinking on your part! 

Sue Hawkes10 Great Questions #1025

On Minimalism #1024 

by Sue Hawkes

On my quest for gratitude, simplicity, and order this year I’m learning more about minimalism.   I’m happy to say I’m still on track with a box a week and while listening to a short book about minimalism, I took away a few great practices: 

Sue HawkesOn Minimalism #1024

Attachment #1023 

by Sue Hawkes

When you’re on opposite pages with another person, sit at the table and open the door to conversation.  The simplest curiosities open the door.  We are in the initial phases of a remodel. We’re on different pages in terms of scope.  We sat at the table and were curious in our conversation.  It was interesting, open, and honest.  We left…

Sue HawkesAttachment #1023

Finding Peace by Doing #1022 

by Sue Hawkes

Sometimes, when life is overfull with challenges, real and imagined, you can’t sleep.  That’s been the case for me these past few weeks.  Today, I decided to get up instead of trying to return to fitful sleep.  It may not be my most energetic day.  It has been a more constructive use of my frenetic energy.  Finding peace by doing…

Sue HawkesFinding Peace by Doing #1022

Greatness Won’t Happen to You #1021

by Sue Hawkes

I facilitated my worst rated session ever last week. What was interesting for me was that it was a great session from my seat having facilitated over 1,000 sessions. That’s where the insights begin. I have comparative data.  They don’t, and it was only their second session. What’s interesting is how disconnected most teams are from the results. When we…

Sue HawkesGreatness Won’t Happen to You #1021

It’s All Temporary #1020 

by Sue Hawkes

One of the many gems I’ve learned from Gino Wickman is how the economy occurs in 10-year cycles. His mentor, Sam Cupp, shared this simple, reliable, and accurate way to think about business: …in any 10-year cycle, you’ll have 2 amazing years, 6 steady, solid years and 2 years that could put you out of business.  As we look at…

Sue HawkesIt’s All Temporary #1020

Outside In #1019 

by Sue Hawkes

Part of my focus this year on gratitude, simplicity, and order is about changing my mindset and habits. Really everything flows from there. When I change my mindset, my new actions make sense. Peace and ease are the result.  As my world has grown complicated and challenging this year, I’m finding joy in reducing the “stuff” of my life. When…

Sue HawkesOutside In #1019

Effectively Efficient (Part 2) #1018 

by Sue Hawkes

Thank you for the positive response to our Effectively Efficient (Part 1) #1011 blog!   In response to your comments, I wanted to create a clear distinction suggesting where each term makes sense in terms of your success.  Early in the process, becoming effective is important. At the start of any endeavor, it’s more important to create results, show progress and…

Sue HawkesEffectively Efficient (Part 2) #1018

Transcending Business #1017 

by Sue Hawkes

One of the joys we have at YESS! is working with clients we consider friends and family.  It’s a joy because the vast majority of them feel the same way.   When it comes time to making a connection, hiring a partner, making a referral, or helping others solve problems, our first thought is to connect everyone to our clients first.  …

Sue HawkesTranscending Business #1017