Forget Balance! 3 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Imbalanced Lives

by Ali Stieglbauer

Sue’s article below has been featured in outlets including Business Management Daily,, Young Upstarts, EHS Today and TG Daily. “Work-life balance” is a running theme in this hectic world, but also an elusive goal. The phrase is plastered everywhere as people aspire to achieve ideal harmony between family life and professional career. The demands of both, however, make it difficult to pull…

Ali StieglbauerForget Balance! 3 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Imbalanced Lives

Article in “Young Upstarts” Magazine

by Ali Stieglbauer

Sue’s article, “Forget Balance! 3 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Imbalanced Lives,” was recently published by Young Upstarts online magazine. Sue shares practices from her new book, Chasing Perfection, to explain how leaders can better achieve work-life integration by using these 3 practices: Stop and Breathe Learn to Say No Don’t Be Afraid to Follow Read the full article here!

Ali StieglbauerArticle in “Young Upstarts” Magazine

Podcast: Balance is B.S.

by Ali Stieglbauer

Sue was honored to be a guest on the Home Business radio podcast. She shares practices on how to make sure your life and work are aligned with your values, and how to find work-life integration as opposed to work-life balance. She discusses her newest book, Chasing Perfection- Shatter the Illusion; Minimize Self-Doubt & Maximize Success. You can find more resources…

Ali StieglbauerPodcast: Balance is B.S.