A Safe Space #188

by Sue Hawkes

A Safe Space #188

Making it safe for people to tell you the truth is a muscle worth building. We all brush by opportunities to open the door and talk about deeper subjects, difficulties, vulnerabilities, and open wounds every day.

When my Mom was in her years declining from Alzheimer’s, I longed to have deeper conversations with people about how difficult it was. I was a single Mom, going through a divorce. I was struggling with the economy and reeling while our family dealt with her looming mortality.

None of those topics were high points or great ways to open a conversation.

I remembered sharing with only a handful of people during these difficult days. Partly, my pride was in the way and partly, people are afraid to venture there with you. They may or may not be aware, but most of us are clunky when it comes to dealing with the deeper, touchier, sensitive topics people could throw our way.

And our world isn’t particularly sensitive or receptive when we are struggling – or so we think.

Will you be a conduit for someone to disclose their vulnerabilities? Can you sit with them in their discomfort? Can you face your own vulnerabilities as they disclose theirs? If so, you will grow and learn and be a conduit for a kinder, gentler space. A safe space for people to be authentic when it isn’t the best version of themselves.

Sue HawkesA Safe Space #188