Team Success #1437

by Sue Hawkes

“The task of leadership is to create alignment of strengths to make a systems’ weaknesses irrelevant.” – Peter Drucker  When you think about it, no system is perfect. In fact, all are flawed.  Yet, when you think about leadership, alignment is the sum of all talents, thoughts, ambitions, insights, beliefs, and behaviors. Your company can only go as fast and…

Sue HawkesTeam Success #1437

Take Action #1436

by Sue Hawkes

Over time, I’ve learned that life rewards action over intelligence. Being trapped in a cycle of overthinking, holding back from taking the necessary steps to move forward rarely leads to a better outcome.   I’ve come to realize that courage is the missing ingredient that brings intelligence to life.  Being smart doesn’t guarantee success or fulfillment.   When I step outside my…

Sue HawkesTake Action #1436

Three Steps for a Great Day #1435 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever started a day and it went to hell before you were an hour into it? Me too.  I bet you’ve also had days where you awakened and felt like you could do nothing wrong, and within an hour you’d determined it could be one of the best days of your life. Me too.  In either case, you…

Sue HawkesThree Steps for a Great Day #1435

What Works? #1434

by Sue Hawkes

Finding peace in the day.   Some days, you’re ready to quit. You’ve had enough and that’s it. Sound familiar?   For me, whether I’m ready or not, I’ve found several things that will “right my world” the vast majority of the time.  During the summer months, we take a pontoon ride. Yup, that’s it. It only takes a lap or two…

Sue HawkesWhat Works? #1434

Fighting Complacency #1433 

by Sue Hawkes

Abundance. It’s easy to forget there’s more than enough of everything when you focus on what you don’t have.   I see it every day with teams as we check in quarterly regarding their goals for the year. For those measuring on a calendar year, it often happens around June or September. They look at their progress relative to the goals…

Sue HawkesFighting Complacency #1433

Release The Rest #1432 

by Sue Hawkes

Control what you can and release the rest.  One thing I know about myself, if things feel out of control, I clean; I organize, I purge and I clean.   It works.   It restores a sense of peace in my environment, while I’m organizing, purging and cleaning I also declutter my thoughts.   I empty some demons lurking between my ears.   It…

Sue HawkesRelease The Rest #1432

Time To Adjust #1431 

by Sue Hawkes

Back to the basics.   When things get chaotic and seem to be out of control, disorganized or feeling out of sorts, it’s easy for overwhelm to be the result.  When this happens, we must rely on structure and process to bring us back to a focused and organized world.  One step at a time, we must look at our world…

Sue HawkesTime To Adjust #1431

Next #1430 

by Sue Hawkes

It’s a great question, what does next look like? In a world that’s busy “leveling up,” what does next look like?  In a sea of excuses when you don’t keep your word, what does next look like?  On your list of accomplished tasks for the day, what does next look like?  When you’re unhappy with the results you have in…

Sue HawkesNext #1430

No Bad Days #1429

by Sue Hawkes

I was talking with a client, and she told me about a conversation worth making contagious.  She was outside one of her team’s offices and overheard part of an interview which caused her to pause and reflect. The potential employee asked the leader what a bad day was like for him at the company.  His reply was one she wasn’t…

Sue HawkesNo Bad Days #1429

Perspective #1428 

by Sue Hawkes

What if inconveniences, interruptions, and unplanned events happened in order to redirect us?  Instead of being irritated by them, we might pause.   The pause would offer perspective, space, and the possibility of choice.  Whether a traffic jam, an illness, a broken vehicle or a health event, these opportunities can be windows of perspective and intersections for change.  Pay attention.   The…

Sue HawkesPerspective #1428