It’s Not About the Words #1365 

by Sue Hawkes

Only 7% of your communication is the words you choose, yet we spend our time crafting the perfect words for our presentations, pitches, and difficult conversations. Don’t get me wrong, the words are important. They’re just not as important as we make them.  93% of what matters is not the words. It’s the other “stuff” that creates meaning for our…

Sue HawkesIt’s Not About the Words #1365

True Teamwork #1364 

by Sue Hawkes

Most leaders are competent, independent, nimble, opportunistic, over-committed, and growth oriented. They are hard-working, smart, and caring people who want to make an impact as leaders and through their businesses. They are open-minded and curious, direct and challenging, but they just aren’t seeing the ROI they deserve for all their hard work. They are a team of leaders.  Most entrepreneurial companies…

Sue HawkesTrue Teamwork #1364

Empty Space #1363 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever felt like you’re “off,” but you can’t put your finger on why or what exactly is “off?” I sure have. Typically, when this happens, I’m running too fast, my calendar is packed (maybe even MORE than usual), and I have no space or time to think. Life seems transactional, simply moving from one thing to another.  When…

Sue HawkesEmpty Space #1363

Smart Doesn’t Matter #1362 

by Sue Hawkes

You don’t have to be smart to be successful. You need to be wise.  This contradicts some of what we’re pushing in our world right now. Smart is the ability to take tests; the emphasis is on memorization and production or output.   Wisdom comes from experience, risk taking, mistakes and being able to think – truly think and problem solve.…

Sue HawkesSmart Doesn’t Matter #1362

Manufactured Stress #1361 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever caught yourself creating stress where there wasn’t really any? Me too.  I create deadlines all the time. It’s what I do to be effective and accomplish things.  It’s also a good way to manufacture anxiety, irritability, and cause yourself pain.  When I catch myself imposing deadlines on house or work projects which really aren’t driven by a…

Sue HawkesManufactured Stress #1361

3 Rules #1360

by Sue Hawkes

Three simple rules in life:  When it seems things are chaotic and challenging, how can these three rules cut through the clutter and help you move forward a little or a lot?   Will you slow down to examine your thinking and imagine what’s possible?  

Sue Hawkes3 Rules #1360

Embracing Change #1359 

by Sue Hawkes

Change can be hard. It requires letting go of what was while embracing what is possible and improved. Too often, our thinking is skewed to keeping things as is – especially if we believe it’s working for us. Our fixed thinking is what makes it hard, not the change itself.  Change doesn’t have to be hard. When you adjust your…

Sue HawkesEmbracing Change #1359

Increase Your Effectiveness #1358 

by Sue Hawkes

In our overfull lives, managing our time wisely is crucial to feeling successful. This begins with optimizing your calendar. Let’s explore five essential tips extracted from our Intentional Greatness® Podcast episode 135, on simplifying your calendar and boosting productivity.  Three questions to consider:  By mastering your calendar and aligning it with your priorities, you can supercharge your productivity and pave…

Sue HawkesIncrease Your Effectiveness #1358

You Earned It #1357 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever said something that made a great difference for another person and to you it was commonplace?   It’s interesting when it occurs because it’s clearly a blind spot. It’s an awareness you’ve normalized and taken as fact which for others is a profound insight at that moment.   It’s a terrific gift when someone points it out. Please don’t…

Sue HawkesYou Earned It #1357

Your Legacy #1356 

by Sue Hawkes

“One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide.” – Anonymous   When you think of your life and legacy, do you realize you are being observed?  As a leader, you must realize you are always being observed. Whether you’re aware of it at…

Sue HawkesYour Legacy #1356