Keeping Promises #1494

by Sue Hawkes

Following through can feel like a lost art.   It’s a small thing, yet so incredibly important.  We all make casual comments with friends like: “let’s do this again”, or when we meet new people “let’s connect.” Often it doesn’t happen. Our lives are busy, and our calendars fill with the events that catch our attention and fill a need, not…

Sue HawkesKeeping Promises #1494

Worthy Questions #1493 

by Sue Hawkes

Going above and beyond.   It’s a noteworthy act and sometimes feels like a lost art right now.  As I look around our business, and those I work with and patronize, it seems to be easier to deliver more as the world is shrinking inward.  What small yet thoughtful things can you and your team do to make it easier for…

Sue HawkesWorthy Questions #1493

A Work in Progress #1492

by Sue Hawkes

Whenever I find myself triggered by an event, I know there’s learning available for me. If I bypass the opportunity to evaluate my reaction, I become a victim of whatever happened and can guarantee the next time a similar event occurs, I’ll react again – only it will be stronger and more automatic.  If I’m aware enough and can sit…

Sue HawkesA Work in Progress #1492

Speak It Until You See It #1491 

by Sue Hawkes

“Speak what you seek until you see what you said.”   I heard this quote during a two-day event I was attending. Though the concept isn’t new, it certainly simplified how clear we each need to be when declaring our potential future.  You must believe it to see it. It’s not the other way around.  If you don’t believe it, it…

Sue HawkesSpeak It Until You See It #1491

Blame Doesn’t Work #1490 

by Sue Hawkes

Accountability. It’s something we seek from others, and when in a leadership position, are asked to “hold people” to it. Accountability can never be delegated.  Responsibility. It’s something we admire in others; responsible people own their actions and decisions. Responsibility can be delegated.  If I ask a friend to mail a letter to a client for me, they can take…

Sue HawkesBlame Doesn’t Work #1490

Great Questions Do Three Things #1489

by Sue Hawkes

“Most serious mistakes are not being made because of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.” – Peter Drucker  As a leader, making the time to ask the best question is critical.   Often, when I’m rushed, my schedule is full, or I’m over tired, I don’t ask great questions which leads to the wrong answers.   Slowing…

Sue HawkesGreat Questions Do Three Things #1489

What’s Your Menu? #1488 

by Sue Hawkes

The older I get, the more I appreciate my health.  Being of support to others or observing couples and families or work teams as they navigate health challenges has been one of the most sobering experiences in my life.   To be on the sidelines, feeling out of control, knowing your family and friends are fighting every day for their life…

Sue HawkesWhat’s Your Menu? #1488

How Do You Learn? #1487

by Sue Hawkes

How do you learn? There are three approaches to learning: thinking, watching, and doing.  Thinking or analyzing means you approach new things by reading the manual, watching videos, doing the research, talking with people who “know” already, observing others and once you’ve got a better comprehension of all that is involved, then you act. Your tolerance for making mistakes is…

Sue HawkesHow Do You Learn? #1487

10 Reasons to Get Over It #1486

by Sue Hawkes

The biggest opportunity to build trust is when there’s a break or absence of trust. It’s true.   When there’s a break, disagreement, conflict of any sort we all cringe. No one looks forward to conflict, healthy or not. And yet, it’s the single greatest opportunity to build trust, repair the relationship, gain deeper understanding of the situation and each other…

Sue Hawkes10 Reasons to Get Over It #1486

Simplify the Chaos #1485

by Sue Hawkes

When things get overwhelming, simplify.  You can easily lose time, energy and momentum because you’re swept up in all the things that could or are happening.  The best thing to do is to pause, step back with a wide-angle view of things, and do one thing which will have maximum impact first.   You can’t do that if you’re “in” the…

Sue HawkesSimplify the Chaos #1485