When you get clear on things you say “yes” and “no” better. Historically, I’ve not been good at saying “no.” My company is named “YESS!” which explains a lot. It’s been an issue. The good news is, I have a great team who strongly suggested I learn to say “no” more frequently as a commitment. You see, my saying “yes”…
When people want coaching, a listening ear, or a team comes in and talks about someone not in the room, it’s all the same. Some series of events occurs, their interpretation of those events is strewn together, and the story is told. The question is, is that story forwarding or limiting you? When you sit down to tell that story,…
Patience. I don’t have a lot of it, though my Mom said I did. And I’d laugh. Sometimes, if you wait, things settle in and handle themselves. Often, I’m not patient enough to allow that kind of magic to happen, but when I do and it works, it appears as a miracle. Deep breaths, kind thoughts and trust in all…
When things aren’t working, you have three choices. You can live with it, end it, or change it. I learned this from Gino Wickman. Complaining about it isn’t going to help, though many people seek new audiences to share the same story, politicking their way through a situation and causing harm to all parties involved. Pausing to sort the facts…
What do you do when someone on your team openly acts poorly during a meeting? Do you talk with them one-on-one to handle it? If so, stop it. Many of us have been taught to handle bad behavior privately, and for the most part, it’s bad teaching. When working with leadership teams, often they’ll describe situations during their team meetings…
What’s your job? It’s a vocation, a way to make money, an expression of your identity, an extension of your talents, an inroad to community, and a source of pride. It can be exhilarating, challenging, exhausting, exciting, fulfilling and excruciating. It can be a source of all things to fill your ego and maintain your identity and it can be…
When you pursue a dream, a future opportunity or a goal, all kinds of concern, worry, and fear can show up. After all, it wouldn’t be a future possibility if you already knew how to do it. Recently, while working with a group of CEOs, one of them declared something big. It was something career and life altering that wasn’t…
Incompletions waste energy. Think about it. When something is unfinished, you ruminate on it. Whether it’s a conversation, a puzzle, a task or a project, your mind and your actions wander back to it over and over thrashing like a computer. Your energy is trapped as is your momentum. When you’re incomplete, you can’t move on. Not fully. Part of…
I was working with a team recently and one member challenged me on single point accountability. She said she disagreed with the concept and their people “share” accountability for getting things done. While this is a great idea, it will always lead to the same outcome. When things are working, it’s a fine concept. What happens when things don’t work…
There are two things that stop most of us: not knowing how and never having done it before. When you watch young children, they don’t approach anything this way. In fact, everything is new and fascinating and exciting. They approach everything with wonder, curiosity, and an exploratory attitude. They have fun while discovering what they don’t know. When did you…