Prioritizing Fun #865 

by Sue Hawkes

Pause. It works.  When I was on the recent holiday, I decided to take a break and treat it as if I wasn’t at home.  It worked.  We did some errands; being productive matters to me. This is the “stuff” I often put off. It was fun and fast.  We decided to get on the boat as opposed to doing…

Sue HawkesPrioritizing Fun #865

You Never Know #864 

by Sue Hawkes

You never know.  This week, I received two sincere gifts.   Two people in my life, who I don’t know really well reached out to express deeply felt gratitude for interactions we’d had. One reached me by voicemail and one by email. Both were moving and brought me to tears.  Both people went out of their way – their habits and…

Sue HawkesYou Never Know #864

Will You? #863 

by Sue Hawkes

Thoughtfulness. It’s underrated.  When you sit back, if even just a little, you can observe others and learn what’s unique and special.  You can’t have an agenda; you must be authentically curious.  It’s an art that’s lost these days in the world of gift cards and hustle.   Some seek the predictable experiences over the ones we didn’t realize someone paid…

Sue HawkesWill You? #863

The Open Space Between Plans #862 

by Sue Hawkes

Spontaneity. It’s underrated.  When life is surprising, unexpected, and fun, we are present and alive.  That event you couldn’t have planned turns out to be the one you experienced in full technicolor – see, feel, hear, touch and taste.   Only the planners don’t always like that.  You can’t script spontaneity.  Like the day you’re on vacation and it’s Cinco de…

Sue HawkesThe Open Space Between Plans #862

The Splendor of Now #861 

by Sue Hawkes

When it comes to Spring, Lilacs win in my favorites category.  Perhaps it’s because they are fragrant and blooming for about a week and then retreat to a regular bush?  When they bloom, the blossoms take up the space around them like a superstar on the runway. They burst open with vibrant lavender and purple and command your attention as…

Sue HawkesThe Splendor of Now #861

Cheers to Slow Progress #860 

by Sue Hawkes

A great quote hit me in the face today, and I had to share. Thank you James Clear for your consistently forward-prodding messages, they work for me.:  “Most big, deeply satisfying accomplishments in life take at least five years to achieve. This can include building a business, cultivating a loving relationship, writing a book, getting in the best shape of…

Sue HawkesCheers to Slow Progress #860

Learning Over Time #859 

by Sue Hawkes

What if you spent one hour, 1/24th, 4%, just 60 of your 1440 minutes each day learning something you don’t know about?  What could you learn in 7 hours each week, 364 hours each year?  What if you focused on one thing?  What could you learn?   What could it mean for you, for your possibilities, for your future opportunities?  You…

Sue HawkesLearning Over Time #859

Now What? #858 

by Sue Hawkes

Some will, some won’t, so what?  I heard this phrase at a conference recently.   Thinking about doing new things, paving new trails at work and in life, or spending time doing anything you’ve not done many times prior, it’s a freeing thought.   When you go forward with new things that seem uncertain or scary, it helps to remember some people…

Sue HawkesNow What? #858

Under Construction #857 

by Sue Hawkes

Goals are clarifying.  It’s easy to talk about them and wish for them. The anticipation is the real accelerator in life.   Many times, it’s better than achieving the goal itself.  When you set a goal, do you let the obstacles deter you?   Do you stop?   Do you let the challenges derail your progress and your process?   If so, it may…

Sue HawkesUnder Construction #857

How to Go Faster #856 

by Sue Hawkes

Going slow to go fast works.  When you slow down, focus, and simplify, things are smoother.  When you focus, you go faster.  Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.  Let’s go slow to go fast. 

Sue HawkesHow to Go Faster #856