When’s the last time you left a love note for someone? That long, huh? Well then, it’s time. Think of the last “surprise” note you received. How’d it make you feel? Pretty awesome, right? I sometimes leave a card for my husband when I travel. I usually tuck it somewhere for him to find after I’ve left. It might be…
Have you ever started a day and it went to hell before you were an hour into it? Me too. I bet you’ve also had days where you awakened and felt like you could do nothing wrong, within an hour you’d determined it could be one of the best days of your life. Me too. In either case, you can have an event occur and…
When working with teams, I’m known to repeat the phrase “seven times for people to hear it the first time” to remind us it takes repetition to “get it.” New research offers it’s closer to 20 times for people to hear it the first time given the amount of information we’re facing all day. Ugh. It can be exhausting to…
It’s that time of year again when you’re looking at your calendar and thinking “I’m so busy.” You may even feel overwhelmed. With all the meetings, deadlines, events, and family obligations to juggle it can be hard to find time for yourself. Some experts say that you should schedule in some downtime every day or resentment may build up. Today’s challenge is for YOU – please…
Welcome to November, the month we’re dedicating the blog to appreciation, gratitude and spreading goodness. Join us, will you? Register here. We explained the details in blog #701, and it’s pretty simple – you can participate on your own or in our Facebook group if you’d like to stay inspired. Every day (M-F) will include a challenge to consider along the way. Read to the end of the blog…
When someone inspires you, take note. I had the joy of watching Ali run her third half marathon this year. She’s stuck with the training, not perfectly, but well enough to improve each time. She’s exceeding her goals at work and finding ways to reframe her thinking when it’s not forwarding. She’s taking time for herself; she’s enjoying great friends…
This Is the Path Forward #704 Josh Radner, Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother, said “If we learned from suffering, wouldn’t the world be enlightened by now?” When I dwell on the problem, my world follows. What was “one of those days” at home has become a standing joke we use often. For anyone who knows my husband Kevin, you know he’s one…
Looking ahead, the questions we ask are more important than the answers we already have. We are at a time in history where we are aware and awakened to the fact that the world is currently resetting. It’s resetting itself to correct things, to improve things and to move us forward together. If we use that lens and see this…
As I look ahead to November, I’m present to my own desire for kindness, gratitude, and a gentler daily experience right now. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the meal prep with my children, the decorating, I begin listening to holiday music while we cook and it sets the stage for appreciation of the year for me. My son’s birthday (October…
70%. 70% to goal and I haven’t missed a day. It feels better today than it did in the messy middle. Somehow, 70% seems like I’ve turned the 2/3- most of the way – you’ve got this corner. In this moment, I’m feeling confident about reaching 1,000 daily blog posts. For those of you playing along, I check in every 50 posts to take a…