Are you experiencing stress right now? Is it more than your usual amount? Have you tried all the self-care options you can? If not, try some. Have you talked with friends, family and anyone who’ll listen, and you feel a bit better, but it’s only a short while? Did that bottle of wine help, until the emotions you’re packing down welled up…
I’m asking myself a question these days which moves me in much more certain directions. It’s become the mantra I need at this time in my life and in business. The question is clarifying. It helps me say “no” much more confidently. Saying no has created space and confidence as more and more situations are calling for my attention. What’s the…
Do you realize how you’re showing up? I’ve had some interesting interactions as people seem to be crispier right now. My role has been to recognize the confrontation while also gracefully helping people work through the tough stuff. It’s been interesting and challenging. Seeing leaders behave in ways they realize are unbecoming, hurtful or disrespectful only increases a downward spiral of…
Saying no can be easy. I realize it’s easy to say no to things you don’t like – for me, that is running. If someone asks me to run, it’s an easy no. I don’t enjoy it and never have. Then, Amy Ronneberg asked me to run a 5K with her. She was dealing with health issues and was intending to run this 5K as a fundraiser one…
Validation is underrated. When you are a knowledge worker like I am, it can be lonely. Not just running your business, but in validating that the content you’re sharing matters in any sort of way. As I create the blog, podcast, video, and new courses, I wonder at times if it matters. Does it matter beyond the discipline of doing…
Focus. We sometimes talk about it like a talent we can call upon at will or an elixir we can consume. Sometimes it feels like you’re right on track, incredibly focused. There’s a flow and ease with all you’re doing. Then, there are the other times. The times when you feel scattered, overwhelmed, anxious or distracted. It feels more productive to be focused, and if you, like me, have an orientation toward being a doer,…
I’ve begun several blogs with “how are you?” followed by “no, really.” It seems appropriate again, which I interpret to mean we’re all tired. Tired of the pandemic, tired of change, tired of politics, tired of solving problems that feel unsolvable in the near term (like labor and supply chain) and tired of feeling like we have to navigate everyone’s…
Does anyone else feel like it’s rough right now? I do. It seems like the veneer is really thin for many people; me included. Finding ways to continue to know what renews my own resilience, compassion and care is trickier these days and frankly it seems to be changing. I’ve become more sensitive at times because I’ve absorbed more or less of…
Extending grace offers new pathways. When you can remain curious during challenging times keeping an open mind and an open heart, a new space for trust emerges. The world is not either/or. The mindset necessary to traverse great divides in opinion, perspective and beliefs is a tricky balance of suspending what you believe long enough to consider an alternate point…
When things are challenging, do you dwell on them? Me too. At least some of the time. What can you do to reframe your thinking? You can begin by taking responsibility. Reframing your thinking is exactly that – owning the thoughts as your own, not the truth. Your experience in the world is only a fraction of what’s available – in…