Lessons From 1000 Blogs, #1000 TaDaaaaa 

by Sue Hawkes

Well, I did it.  

Thank you Seth Godin for the challenge I didn’t know I needed.  

The journey has been filled with a range of emotions, pushing through the days I didn’t feel like it, becoming a better observer, and learning I can do whatever I set my mind to. 

I didn’t sell out to comfort or convenience. I’m proud of myself for that alone. 

When I look back at the past ~4 years of this journey, I’m filled with gratitude. Top takeaways for me are these: 

  1. I’m so grateful for having documented my thoughts through the pandemic; there’s so much I’d have forgotten without having written. 
  1. I’m grateful for the discipline of doing it, simply because I said so. I didn’t enjoy writing previously and now I value it to see my thoughts. It’s allowed me to recognize patterns and priorities. It strengthened my relationship with keeping my word. That commitment has diminished in our world today, I want no part of it. 
  1. I’m grateful for doing it publicly. Done privately, I may have paused or stopped. 
  1. I’m grateful for everyone who sent a note, text, email, or commented to me directly. Somehow you each said something to keep me going and let me know you were playing along. More evidence the world is with you if you pay attention. 
  1. I’m grateful to be a better observer. I’ve loosened the grip on perfection by taking on something I wasn’t good at and becoming comfortable with doing it publicly as I learned. Very worthwhile! 

And finally, an ask which came from my dear friend Christy Martin who suggested it, thank you: 

If you’re playing along, I’d appreciate it if you found a favorite blog (or a few, didn’t want this to be a pain!) and let me know which one(s) it is? Shoot us an email at with the number and/or title and we’ll keep track. 

Who knows, I may blog about it now that it’s a habit! 

Happy Holidays to all – enjoy your families! 

Sue HawkesLessons From 1000 Blogs, #1000 TaDaaaaa