KISS #183

by Sue Hawkes

KISS #183

Life seems to ebb and flow, to speed and relax. It could be seasonal, work or personally related. As the holidays approach, it certainly seems many people’s lives accelerate with events and festivities packed in all at once to celebrate the season.

It happens every year, yet many people seem exhausted, irritable or challenged with the pace. Slowing to ask yourself some questions about how to simplify life during times of higher demands and opportunities can be useful.

If you tend to lose the joy in the season, try asking yourself this question before both the holidays and strategic planning season are upon us:

What seems overly complicated right now that needs to be (or could be) simplified?

Sitting with this question on a quarterly basis (or more if it works) will create space at home and work. If you’re having more “bah humbug” than peace and joy, it may be time to stop chasing perfection and simplify your world.

We’ve got a book and journal that will help you do just that, and they make great gifts for the great leaders who do so much in your life. Here’s to keeping it simple every day, not just the holidays!

Sue HawkesKISS #183