Say exactly what you mean. There’s a concept! It’s very non-Midwestern. You won’t always be popular or please people, but you will be clear. You’ll also find the world around you (people, opportunities, events and rewards) will amplify. Too often, when trying to please others or deliver the message you think others want to hear instead of saying exactly what…
Making time for the important things. One of the best ways to use a clarity break is to clarify what’s important right now; in your business, as a leader and in life. When you have clarity on the few most important things, it helps you stay focused, zeroing in on what matters, simplifying what you say yes and no to…
Promises. “People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them.” Author Unknown This quote speaks to me. When I review my good intentions, they are sincere. At the time I speak them, I mean them and intent to deliver upon them. Then, life happens and at times, my good intentions have become just that; intentions. Nothing…
Sometimes, when you show up and are fully present, what you’re looking for is where you are. I was recently in an online workshop to be on a panel. I had no expectation of learning, receiving any benefit or solving any issues for myself. I was there to contribute – 100%. I prepared and had every intention of contributing as…
“Let today be the day you let go of who you’ve been for who you’ll become.” Hal Elrod What a powerful quote to remind yourself that every day (really every minute) is an opportunity to redefine yourself based on who you intend to be, not who you’ve been. When we firmly grasp what’s possible and step into our greatness intentionally,…
Want to up your game in communication? Answer the question. No, seriously. When someone asks a question, answer it. Do it simply, succinctly and only elaborate if asked. Most people don’t do this. They tell you what they wanted to say, offer a story or dodge the question. And, it’s frustrating for your listeners. And you lose credibility and the…
Small acts. These are the most significant things we do. Though we’d like to believe it’s the big, challenging, difficult things, it’s not. It’s the consistent small, thoughtful, kind gestures that matter most. When you receive the note, text or call that says, “I was just thinking of you.” When the flight attendant sees you’re cold and not only brings…
Have you ever heard the phrase “what you focus on expands?” During a recent meeting, one of the leaders attending said they had been in a “funk.” Well, we all could relate to that statement. The conversation began and seemed to accelerate into all the things contributing to their challenges. It wasn’t helpful, in fact, it seemed to be more…
Change management. It’s a topic that comes up all the time with my clients. When they talk about it, I’m always curious to ask, “what do you mean by change management?” Most often, they talk about the pace of change, the rate at which their team needs to learn to adapt to all that’s happening in the business, the new…
Have you ever noticed you can’t see things until you’re ready? They were always there, you just weren’t able to see them. It’s like when you buy a new car or get a new phone or tablet – you suddenly see them everywhere. Where there were none, suddenly they appear as if someone highlighted them on a blank piece of…