The Answer to How is Yes #78

by Sue Hawkes

The Answer to How is Yes #78  While meeting with a colleague recently, we were discussing how she would build her business. She’s got many plans and tactics, and is unsure which method is best as many seem plausible.   I asked her “what” she wanted to accomplish and “why?”   She paused. She didn’t have a clear answer and said she’d need to…

Sue HawkesThe Answer to How is Yes #78

Yes, and Not Either/Or #77

by Sue Hawkes

Yes, and Not Either/Or #77 Many people have heard of the both/and theory. In improv they call it “yes, and.” It’s the same principle. When ideating, working with a team and getting the creativity going, the best way to encourage participation, vulnerability and engagement is “yes, and.” Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a team of leaders. We…

Sue HawkesYes, and Not Either/Or #77

No Issues, That's an Issue. #76

by Sue Hawkes

No Issues, That’s an Issue. #76 If you’ve ever walked into your meetings or Quarterly offsites and heard someone say “I don’t think we have any issues,” you’re on a slippery slope to mediocrity. If your meetings have become routine or your team looks to you as the source of substance for the agenda for the weekly time you’ve allotted…

Sue HawkesNo Issues, That's an Issue. #76

Where You Go, They Go #75

by Sue Hawkes

Where You Go, They Go #75 Culture. It’s something many people talk about, but often don’t effort at creating. And when they don’t do so, it becomes assumed – which isn’t what you want. The problem is, if you want a “great” culture by your own definition, the only way to have it is to create it. You and your…

Sue HawkesWhere You Go, They Go #75

3 Ways to Be a Great Mentee

by Ali Stieglbauer

3 Ways to Be a Great Mentee As a young person in business, there is a lot to learn. I frequently say that I feel like I went to college twice with all the learning I’ve had during my years in the workforce. For us young professionals, most of the information we need to succeed gets taught on the job.…

Ali Stieglbauer3 Ways to Be a Great Mentee

You Can Only Help the Person in Front of You #74

by Sue Hawkes

You Can Only Help the Person in Front of You #74 When people want coaching, a listening ear or a team comes in and talks about someone not in the room, it’s all the same. Some series of events occurs, their interpretation of those events is strewn together, and the story is told. The question is, is that story forwarding…

Sue HawkesYou Can Only Help the Person in Front of You #74

Naturally Present #73

by Sue Hawkes

Naturally Present #73 I’m in the west today, it’s different than the calm of the water I described in blog #71; it’s rugged, majestic and expansive. Every shade of green covers the fields, and though Montana has not yet fully welcomed the golden hues of summer, it’s beautiful. We are fortunate to be surrounded by friends while staying at their…

Sue HawkesNaturally Present #73

The Most Important Thing #72

by Sue Hawkes

The Most Important Thing #72 Often as we go about our busy days, many people don’t prepare for meetings. Why? I see teams prioritizing preparation for things like client meetings – where they believe it “counts;” and I don’t disagree. Why we don’t prepare for all our meetings, especially with our leadership teams, I’m unsure. Daily I’ll ask my clients…

Sue HawkesThe Most Important Thing #72

There’s No Problem a Pontoon Ride Can’t Solve #71

by Sue Hawkes

There’s No Problem a Pontoon Ride Can’t Solve #71 When we moved to our lake home, I had no clue what I was in for. For us, coming home is now an experience of letting go, releasing, forgetting the busyness of the day and week. On a long weekend like this, I find a day in nature with family and…

Sue HawkesThere’s No Problem a Pontoon Ride Can’t Solve #71

There are No “Throw Away” Moments #70

by Sue Hawkes

There are No “Throw Away” Moments #70 Your actions speak louder than words. We’ve all heard this, but do we believe it? There are no “throw away” moments. It’s as if we’re always in a glass house, on stage with others watching and observing. Do you treat your moments like this? Or do you treat some of them more intentionally…

Sue HawkesThere are No “Throw Away” Moments #70