Get Aligned #1385 

by Sue Hawkes

Everyone wants the secret ingredient to achieving remarkable results. Whether at home or work, it’s the same thing.  Alignment.  When everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal, amazing things happen. Most often, it’s easier and more fun than expected because of your alignment. Simply stated:  Alignment offers numerous benefits, including better results, exceptional candidates, efficient…

Sue HawkesGet Aligned #1385

Opportunity Cost #1384

by Sue Hawkes

Opportunity cost. It’s always there.  When you say “YESS!” to something, you say “no” to many others.   Too often, we disregard what the costs actually are.   When you’re overscheduled, there is no space. No space for opportunity, spontaneity, things to go wrong or things to emerge. You’ve planned it all away and it becomes more difficult and chaotic to manage…

Sue HawkesOpportunity Cost #1384

Giving Feedback #1383 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever noticed that when you put off challenging conversations you suffer?  One of the best principles I live my life by is to handle things promptly when they go wrong. Whether it’s family, work partners, teammates, employees, friends, or the service professionals you encounter in life, the rule of thumb is 24 hours.  Whether it’s good news or…

Sue HawkesGiving Feedback #1383

Nice #1382 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever wished there was less tension during a work meeting?  Me too; and after review, I won’t wish it away.  Tension is related to conflict and conflict creates clarity. While it may be uncomfortable, that tension is what transforms a problem into an opportunity. It’s also transformative for learning. We must diverge to truly be able to converge…

Sue HawkesNice #1382

Your Ideas #1381 

by Sue Hawkes

David Allen says, “our mind is made for having ideas, not for holding ideas.” Those words are music to any Visionary, entrepreneur, and leader. That said, it doesn’t mean all ideas are worthy of action.  To succeed, you must be prepared to apply massive action to your idea, coupled with the persistence to endure the challenges and naysayers, multiplied by…

Sue HawkesYour Ideas #1381

Applying Your Learning #1730 

by Sue Hawkes

Do you really need to learn new things?   I was in a conversation with some people hiring us to present a keynote in a few months and they told me they’d heard all they needed to about one of our topics. We suggested another topic and they said they’d heard that as well.   After more discussion, I suggested they may…

Sue HawkesApplying Your Learning #1730

Reframing Meetings #1379 

by Sue Hawkes

What’s in a meeting?  When you boil it down to the purpose of a meeting, there are many reasons we use to meet, to solve something, to brainstorm, to inform each other, to connect while using our precious time wisely.   Beneath all of that, I believe the primary purpose of every meeting (perhaps every interaction) is to advance our relationships…

Sue HawkesReframing Meetings #1379

Write Your Story #1378 

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t fall in love with any part of your story.  The narrative you live any given day, any given hour is a piece of the fabric that makes us who we are.  If the story forwards you, gives you strength, inspiration, energy and momentum for what matters, share it. Repeat it often and let it guide your thoughts, beliefs, language…

Sue HawkesWrite Your Story #1378

Worry Doesn’t Work #1377 

by Sue Hawkes

Worry doesn’t work… even when the world doesn’t make sense, when you’d like to change everything about the circumstances and conditions surrounding you, and things feel out of control.  Worry is a result of catastrophizing what could be (but isn’t).  It’s a result of your mind running rampant with all the possibilities for negative outcomes in the future. Could they…

Sue HawkesWorry Doesn’t Work #1377

Pause and Listen #1376 

by Sue Hawkes

When you’re grounded in your life and centered in a way that you have perspective, even amongst busyness, commitments and challenges, they are just that – challenges.  When you’re untethered in your life and you’re disrupted at a fundamental level, the smallest interruptions, curve balls, challenges (like traffic) seem like insurmountable events.   Gratitude, Journaling, Sleep and Exercise play a major…

Sue HawkesPause and Listen #1376