Do Your Reps #1419 

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t complain about the results you don’t have from the work you’ve not done.  It’s easy to look online or compare yourself to others and wish for different results.  If you haven’t done the reps, had the discipline or ascribed to the thinking, practices and discipline those you see or know do, it’s unfair to expect the return they have. …

Sue HawkesDo Your Reps #1419

Vacation Crunch Time #1418 

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever hustled to get everything done the day before you leave for vacation?  You know, the days approaching time off are often overfull in an attempt to leave everything “in order” with as many Is dotted and Ts crossed as possible.  It’s often a less than ideal experience leading up to what’s intended to be your blissful, fun,…

Sue HawkesVacation Crunch Time #1418

7 Questions to Spark Conversation #1417 

by Sue Hawkes

Wondering how to generate a conversation?   Here are seven questions to create different types of dialogue:  “…and what else?” or “is there more?” Many people stop talking if they sense a simple answer is all you’re listening for. Sometimes the best answers are beyond their initial response. 

Sue Hawkes7 Questions to Spark Conversation #1417

The Sum #1416 

by Sue Hawkes

When you think about your team, do you recognize you’ll only go as far and as fast as the sum of all?  It isn’t about any one of you, it’s about the collective. The intangible, connective tissue that bonds the team and makes those overlaps and gaps between you irrelevant.  It’s about finding resources, accelerating what can be done, and…

Sue HawkesThe Sum #1416

Decade Thinking #1415 

by Ali Stieglbauer

We tend to overestimate the short term and underestimate the long term.  If you’ve ever felt like your hair was on fire and waking up was a fire drill, heed the words above.  Try ten-year planning.  Though I’ve thought of it often, I’ve not sat down until recently to plan out 10 years and think about what each year means,…

Ali StieglbauerDecade Thinking #1415

Peace in 5 Steps #1414 

by Sue Hawkes

For some of us, when things aren’t going right, we react with emotion. This describes me.  Over time, I’ve learned to wait before reacting, and at times that works. I’ve found people who react more logically do better with this method than I do. Waiting 24 hours before saying anything is often a good idea for most of us when…

Sue HawkesPeace in 5 Steps #1414

The Elimination Diet #1413

by Sue Hawkes

What are the current habits inhibiting my future progress?  Often, to affect change, we consider what new habits we need, the opportunity of learning what someone else has done to become better, more thoughtful, and effective.  Too often, we don’t consider what’s in the way.  How our current thinking, communication, and behavior limits the opportunities and creates exactly what we…

Sue HawkesThe Elimination Diet #1413

Quality Matters #1412

by Sue Hawkes

It seems like we’ve skewed toward convenience and comfort, yet I remain hesitant to bid farewell to excellence. Rather than plunging completely into the “good enough” stream, I find it worthwhile to pause and consider its impact.  Undeniably, the allure of swift accomplishments is appealing. Still, I’m cautious about fully embracing a good enough is good enough mindset. It’s like…

Sue HawkesQuality Matters #1412

Seven Times #1411

by Sue Hawkes

A freeing thought for you.   EOS® tells us people need to hear things 7 times to hear it the first time.  You can hear that and be frustrated with the repetition, or joyful that once you’ve repeated yourself enough, it will sink in.  Another possibility?  Accepting this is true may be a doorway to newfound patience, realizing people are almost…

Sue HawkesSeven Times #1411

So Proud #1410

by Sue Hawkes

There’s something so powerful about seeing your kids winning.  I’m not talking about sports or school, I’m talking overall.  When you watch them win, it’s better than winning yourself. When they are fully engaged, expressing themselves most powerfully, connecting, poised and successful it’s magic.  It’s a kind of validation that’s hard to describe, seemingly making your own life and legacy…

Sue HawkesSo Proud #1410