It's Always Easy #34

by Sue Hawkes

It’s Always Easy #34 Friends for a lifetime. It’s been said before, but those people who you’ve known since childhood – perhaps since single digits- you can go months and years without seeing and when you reunite it’s as if you’ve never missed a day. It’s remarkable really. I had one of these days with my best friend and her…

Sue HawkesIt's Always Easy #34

Chasing Perfection: The Video

by Ali Stieglbauer

Special thank you to the team of students who created this video through Minnetonka High School’s VANTAGE Program. Blake, Ray, Hannah and Lauren- you all are amazing! Cheers to shattering illusions together.

Ali StieglbauerChasing Perfection: The Video

Appreciation at Work: 2 Misconceptions Leaders Hold

by Ali Stieglbauer

Guest Blog by Dr. Paul White, author of The 5 Languages of Appreciation at Work.  Appreciation at Work: Two Major Misconceptions Leaders Hold “Appreciation” has become a major buzz word in many workplaces — to the point that there have been numerous commercials in the media boasting “we appreciate you” (often in the context of employees addressing customers). Recently, the…

Ali StieglbauerAppreciation at Work: 2 Misconceptions Leaders Hold

3 Ways Unmasking Vulnerability Makes Business Leaders Stronger

by Ali Stieglbauer

Originally published in 30 Seconds blog. A company’s workers look to their leaders for answers, but sometimes those in charge are reluctant to take off their superhero mask and reveal they don’t have those answers. Instead, they’re full of questions about themselves. All humans are vulnerable, but many bosses try to hide it, fearing it indicates weakness. Leadership expert and author Sue Hawkes says…

Ali Stieglbauer3 Ways Unmasking Vulnerability Makes Business Leaders Stronger

Millennial Myths: 5 Things They Share with Entrepreneurs

by Sue Hawkes

Millennials get a bad rap, but are they really that different from any other generation of people? When I stopped to think about the common millennial traits we hear about so often, I realized how many of those same traits are also prevalent with entrepreneurs. How we outwardly demonstrate these traits may look different, but at the core, our values…

Sue HawkesMillennial Myths: 5 Things They Share with Entrepreneurs

Begin Again

by Sue Hawkes

As we approach the new year, it’s common to set resolutions for what you want to change and improve. We get motivated and usually stay on track for a while. Then, a few weeks into the new year, you’re asked how those resolutions are going. “What resolutions!?,” you say. It seems inevitable when we create goals for ourselves that more often…

Sue HawkesBegin Again

Lift Each Other Up

by Ali Stieglbauer

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of attending Minnesota Monthly’s “Conversations on Tap” series, the theme being “Working Women Fight for Equality.” My boss, Sue Hawkes, was presenting on the panel and I was excited to attend. We walked into the LynLake Brewery (after only a brief complaint about the parking situation) and were greeted with a warm…

Ali StieglbauerLift Each Other Up

Voices of WEE Women

by Ali Stieglbauer

We had a fabulous time at the WPO Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD a few weeks ago. Through our Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) program, we were able to sponsor three young women to attend the conference. The conference was filled with great content, connections, and bonding (the picture above shows a sing-along from the bar!). Featured here are guest blogs from the…

Ali StieglbauerVoices of WEE Women