Not Today #93 When you get clear on things you say “yess” and “no” better. Historically, I’ve not been good at saying “no.” My company is named “YESS!” which explains a lot. It’s been an issue. The good news is, I have a great team who strongly suggested I learn to say “no” more frequently as a commitment. You see,…
Visionaries Get a Bad Rap #92 Visionaries get a bad rap. On one hand, they are hyper focused at times and then also appear scattered and unfocused. They don’t follow through – except when and where it counts. They are great starters, not always great finishers. They are inspirational, influential, and intense. They are the people who can find the…
No Dread Necessary #91 When you have something to do and it’s not on your list of favorites (or you even dread it, like I did moving this weekend) how do you make it more motivating to get it done? Hire it out if you can afford it. There’s so much you can delegate these days to people who love…
Talent is Hard to Find #90 Only 7% of your communication is the words you choose, yet we spend our time crafting the perfect words for our presentations, pitches and difficult conversations. Don’t get me wrong, the words are important. They’re just not as important as we make them. 93% of what matters is not the words. It’s the other…
Is it Time? #89 In a room full of women leaders I was facilitating, one leader considered a “what’s next?” transition that would shift the course of her future in a completely different direction. The other female leaders chimed in as another factor to be considered is that this leader is pregnant with two other young children and she’s the…
Maybe That’s the Problem #88 In an EOS session today, our team was winning by all measures – on their scorecard, P & L, profit and rocks. Only they weren’t celebrating, and they were tired. So tired in fact, they questioned whether their growth or success was worth it. As we dove into the issues, we discussed the effort required…
There is No Right Choice #87 Transitions. For most of us, they are challenging. Challenging in the best and worst sense of the word. Challenging us to become who we need to be, while letting go of who we currently know ourselves as. Challenging because in doing so, we must let go of the predictable and familiar. Comfort resides here.…
Blame Doesn’t Work #86 Accountability. It’s something we seek from others, and when in a leadership position, are asked to “hold people” to it. Accountability can never be delegated. Responsibility. It’s something we admire in others; responsible people own their actions and decisions. Responsibility can be delegated. If I ask a friend to mail a letter to a client for…
The Only Opportunity #85 What if you only had one chance to communicate what you wanted to say? Better yet, what if you treated every conversation as if it was the only opportunity you had? What would be different? Would you be more thoughtful before you spoke? Would you put your device down or turn it off while your audience…
Where the Magic Happens #84 I see it every session with our EOS teams. They are competent, independent, nimble, opportunistic, over-committed, growth-oriented leaders. They are hard-working, smart and caring people who want to make an impact as leaders and through their businesses. They are open-minded and curious, direct and challenging, but they just aren’t seeing the ROI they deserve for…