Core Values Drive Our Culture

by Sue Hawkes Leave a Comment

Core Values Drive Our Culture Client Highlight: Denny Reiland of General Pattern Company Denny Reiland, owner of General Pattern Company, is a man who truly lives his core values. General Pattern Company (GPC) was founded by Denny’s grandfather in 1922 and has been a leader in the manufacturing industry for over 90 years. As a single source solution for prototyping,…

Sue HawkesCore Values Drive Our Culture

Finding Meaning

by Sue Hawkes

Finding Meaning Doesn’t it feel like the holidays begin earlier and earlier each year? It seems that Halloween candy is out in the stores the minute school supplies are purchased, and Thanksgiving starts knocking on November 1st. Although I could use a little more breathing room between the celebrations, the holiday spirit does get me thinking about whether I’m living…

Sue HawkesFinding Meaning