Our Current Greatest Need #380

by Sue Hawkes

Resilience or resiliency – Re sil ien cy – ri-zil-yuh n-see; synonyms: flexibility, pliancy, recoil.  Noun  The power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc…, after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity.  Ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity or the like; buoyancy.  Perhaps you’d agree this is a fitting term for 2020? We’re absolutely being pushed, nudged, thrown and offered multiple opportunities to be resilient.  Over the next weeks and…

Sue HawkesOur Current Greatest Need #380

International Friendship Day #379

by Sue Hawkes

It’s International Friendship Day. What does that mean?  In a world where Hallmark manufactures holidays for occasions we’ve never heard of and social media entices us to celebrate because of FOMO, what is friendship to you?  In a world where distance is critical for the greater good and we long for real connection beyond the superficial, what does friendship mean?  When you look…

Sue HawkesInternational Friendship Day #379

The Most Important Ingredient for Success in 2020 #378

by Sue Hawkes

Resilience. It’s a term we all need to be familiar with in 2020. It’s the single most important ingredient for succeeding no matter what continues to unfold in this unpredictable year.  If you have used these descriptors or experienced these feelings in the past several months: anxious, stressed, worried, fearful, low, lonely, overwhelmed, helpless, frustrated, guilty, or angry, it just means you’re normal.  Here’s your…

Sue HawkesThe Most Important Ingredient for Success in 2020 #378

Detoxing As A Practice #377

by Sue Hawkes

Detoxing is a great practice.  At least two times each year, I do a green juice smoothie detox. I’ve done detox’s prior, not always this kind, but have found them to be really beneficial.  My original reasoning was to interrupt my normal patterns of eating, give my insides a rest, and feel better because of some level of dissatisfaction with my body.   What I’ve come…

Sue HawkesDetoxing As A Practice #377

The Long Run #376

by Sue Hawkes

There seems to be two different experiences during 2020.  There are those who are developing new hobbies, adopting or adding pets, cooking, gardening, Netflix binge watching, reading and learning all kinds of new things virtually.  There are those who are working harder than ever, putting in hours as long or longer than they have prior to the pandemic, spending their time solving…

Sue HawkesThe Long Run #376

Just A Teaspoon #375

by Sue Hawkes

Feedback without context doesn’t work. I was reminded this week as I moderated an incredible virtual keynote by @MichaelAllosso how important it is when giving positive feedback for it to be truthful, specific and positive (tsp) .  (Secret Weapons # 5,6,7 of his 35 to help you be you on your best day – learn more here: The key…

Sue HawkesJust A Teaspoon #375

Meet People Where They Are #374

by Sue Hawkes

One profound lesson available to us all right now is to meet people where they are.   Are you curious enough to find out what someone is dealing with right now?   Do you check in, ground yourself and see all that is available when fully present with someone or do you breeze by, making your deposits and moving onto the next “thing”…

Sue HawkesMeet People Where They Are #374

Please Pause #373

by Sue Hawkes

Have you ever had to wait through something difficult? Try waiting through your best friend’s brain surgery.   I find myself torn between being centered, optimistic and hopeful and terrified, irritable, and off kilter. God bless my family for weathering my moods.   There’s no easy or peaceful way to muscle through this. I’ve found prayer, conversation and focusing on the vast numbers of people praying and supporting…

Sue HawkesPlease Pause #373

Awake To The World Around You #372

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t be fooled.   For many people, we are lulled into a false sense of pseudo-normalcy right now. We are relaxed, forgetting the numbers are increasing, going back to what “feels” normal during a year when “normal” ended in March.  Be mindful, stay focused. Enjoy the summer, but don’t relax away from being vigilant about being safe, thoughtful, kind and awake to the world…

Sue HawkesAwake To The World Around You #372

Release The Rest #371

by Sue Hawkes

Control what you can and release the rest.  One thing I know about myself, if things feel out of control, I clean; I organize, I purge and I clean.   It works.   It restores a sense of peace in my environment, while I’m organizing, purging and cleaning I also declutter my thoughts.   I empty some demons lurking between my ears.   It works.   In the grand scheme of things,…

Sue HawkesRelease The Rest #371