My New Mantra #259

by Sue Hawkes

You don’t have to love it. Rhoda Olsen has been a mentor to me for the past 10+ years. She’s an authentic leader, a straight shooter and a source of learning every time I interact with her. You can listen and learn from her in this podcast We were discussing some big decisions and potential life changes I’m facing when…

Sue HawkesMy New Mantra #259

Getting Unstuck #258

by Sue Hawkes

It’s lonely at the top. It’s not just a phrase if you’re the CEO, a leader, or a single parent. There are many situations in life where anyone can feel isolated, alone and unsure. What can you do when you’re in that situation, feeling vulnerable, scared and wishing for a lifeline? I’ve found several things which work well for me,…

Sue HawkesGetting Unstuck #258

Thank You Bruce Lee #257

by Sue Hawkes

Bruce Lee is an iconic master who sets the bar high for those interested. His four secrets to mastery: 1. Research your own experience. 2. Absorb what is useful. 3. Reject what is useless. 4. Add what is specifically your own. This is sage advice for those of us pursuing our own path to mastery. For me, this supports the…

Sue HawkesThank You Bruce Lee #257

Game Changers #256

by Sue Hawkes

Recently, I watched the movie “Game Changers” and it made quite an impact on me (and my husband Kevin). It’s worth the watch, and more importantly, caused me to change my thinking and actions. I have been into a healthy lifestyle most of my life, I like being active, eating well and consistently working to improve my overall health and…

Sue HawkesGame Changers #256

Be Glad You Did #255

by Sue Hawkes

“Be brave enough to be bad at something new.” Jon Acuff Two things that stop most of us: not knowing how and never having done it before. When you watch young children, they don’t approach anything this way. In fact, everything is new, and fascinating and exciting. They approach everything with wonder, curiosity and an exploratory attitude. They have fun…

Sue HawkesBe Glad You Did #255

The Future Begins Now #254

by Sue Hawkes

Dan Sullivan is a great teacher. He offers a ton to entrepreneurial, lifelong learners and one of his most powerful questions is the R-Factor question (R stands for relationship – in this case, it’s helping you establish a relationship with a bigger future). Here’s the question: “if we were sitting here three years from today, looking back on today, what…

Sue HawkesThe Future Begins Now #254

Make Your Story A Good One #253

by Sue Hawkes

“Staying positive doesn’t mean things will turn out okay. Rather, it is knowing YOU will be okay no matter how things turn out.” For me, one of the ways I stay grounded is to find perspective when things are happening. Recently, I was at the gym and thought I had socks in my shoes when I didn’t. My coach looked…

Sue HawkesMake Your Story A Good One #253

Lifetime Homework #252

by Sue Hawkes

Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others.” Parker Palmer As I look back on the most challenging years of my life, one of the greatest outcomes for improving the quality of my life was from a promise I made…

Sue HawkesLifetime Homework #252

Do It Now #251

by Sue Hawkes

Whenever you anticipate something new or an unexpected change, you’re bombarded with feelings. Your anticipation, excitement, fear, doubt and everything in between. How can you reframe these moments to be catalysts for action rather than a speed bump or stuck point? For me, I need to focus on what my first step forward can be. The question “why not me?”…

Sue HawkesDo It Now #251

25% To Goal #250

by Sue Hawkes

One-quarter of the way there! Wow.   For those of you who have been with me since the beginning, thank you. I don’t know who is playing along unless you comment, but thankfully when I connect with people in person, they tell me they are! If I waited for the likes and shares to validate this practice, I’d have quit a looooong time…

Sue Hawkes25% To Goal #250