Three Constants to Grow #1016 

by Sue Hawkes

When asked about how to stay informed, challenge routine thinking, and keep up with the world, I use these three resources. With all the content available, I find myself searching for those resources which inform, challenge my thinking, and deliver high value in short form on a daily or weekly basis.   My three constants for weekly high net value for…

Sue HawkesThree Constants to Grow #1016

Work To Do #1015 

by Sue Hawkes

The challenge is real with mental health.  Finding ways to help others with the struggle is not easy.   Whether we admit it or not, our world stigmatizes and dismisses mental health issues. Our systems make it difficult to receive comprehensive care, insurance doesn’t recognize its legitimacy, navigating the resources requires time, dedication and just short of an advanced degree to…

Sue HawkesWork To Do #1015

About Happiness #1014 

by Sue Hawkes

James Clear shares that “happiness is simply the absence of desire…Happiness is not about the achievement of pleasure (which is joy or satisfaction), but about the lack of desire. It arrives when you have no urge to feel differently. Happiness is the state you enter when you no longer want to change your state.”  As I contemplate my own experience,…

Sue HawkesAbout Happiness #1014

Sharing Music and So Much More #1013 

by Sue Hawkes

Do you have a favorite playlist?   I do. I have many.   In fact, one of my favorite things to do is to come up with the music to set the perfect ambiance for gatherings. I enjoy thinking about who will be there, what the purpose of the event is – social, learning, thinking, fun, connecting…  It’s a small thing, and…

Sue HawkesSharing Music and So Much More #1013

Gratitude, Simplicity, Order #1012 

by Sue Hawkes

Gratitude, simplicity, order.  This is my filtering recipe for 2023.   I’m going to apply these three words in concert as often as possible to guide my thinking, decisions, priorities, and actions for 2023. I’ve incorporated them into my personal plan and also hope my team will align with them for our business this year.  As I release a box a…

Sue HawkesGratitude, Simplicity, Order #1012

Effectively Efficient #1011 (Part 1)

by Sue Hawkes

Being efficient and effective are important to me. In fact, they may be a love language! 😊  This week, two of my teams focused on language as they set their goals for the year, so we promptly dug into our dictionary to discern the difference between efficient and effective.   According to,   Efficient = performing or functioning in the best…

Sue HawkesEffectively Efficient #1011 (Part 1)

A Beginner’s Mind #1010 

by Sue Hawkes

Trying new things is exhilarating for me.  Not knowing how to do something frees my mind to let go of expectations around performance and how things are supposed to be happening.  When I recently tried pickleball for the first time, I enjoyed learning how to borrow from other sports I’d played as well as let it stand uniquely on its…

Sue HawkesA Beginner’s Mind #1010

Good Enough #1009 

by Sue Hawkes

Today was a late blog day.   My session ran later into the evening.  Clients also called for help and I needed to respond.  While I had ideas of doing something creative and thoughtful earlier today, they became a distant memory.  I sat down to write and fell asleep sitting up.   So here is the result of my “nap.”  Sometimes it’s…

Sue HawkesGood Enough #1009

Everyone Can Be Your Teacher #1008 

by Sue Hawkes

When your mind is open, everyone can be your teacher.  Part of my learning last week included new experiences. One was a water experience. It was a series of 3 pools, one lukewarm (80ish degrees), one hot (105 degrees) and one cold (55 degrees). The instructions were to cycle through the three pools three times, remaining in them until you…

Sue HawkesEveryone Can Be Your Teacher #1008

It’s Worth It #1007 

by Sue Hawkes

It’s good to shake it up.   As you know, I was away for the last week of 2022. One of the gifts was to shake up the way I do things while away.   I’m a morning person. While I enjoy waking up and being at my best, the reality is it’s okay to interrupt what I always do.   I had…

Sue HawkesIt’s Worth It #1007