Own, Not Run #192

by Sue Hawkes

Own, Not Run #192 In a recent podcast with @shannonkmiles, she referenced a statement her coach made to her and her husband as they embarked upon starting their business. When they both cashed in their 401K to start their business, they began their entrepreneurial journey with sage advice from their business coach which she carries forward today. Bryan Miles and…

Sue HawkesOwn, Not Run #192

Love What you Do #177

by Sue Hawkes

Love What you Do #177 What can I do to change, improve, impact, and engage others? It’s a big question. Do you wake up wondering how you can maximize your impact on yourself, your team at work, your company, your community, perhaps even the world? If not, why? What if 50% of your job was to do your job impeccably.…

Sue HawkesLove What you Do #177

Call It What It Is #172

by Sue Hawkes

Call It What It Is #172 Living in Minnesota is a wonderful thing…and it’s got interesting twists as well. I’m not just talking about the weather! People are not as direct in their communication here, which can be a challenge. While delivering a keynote about team health, we were discussing the need for healthy conflict. One leader questioned me and…

Sue HawkesCall It What It Is #172

Sacrifice is a Reality #165

by Sue Hawkes

Sacrifice is a Reality #165 On my drive to work, I’m listening to the radio and Dave Ryan (@daveryankdwb) says, “If you’ve ever taken a shower, you’ve had an idea,” referring to the fact that an idea alone will not make you an entrepreneur. Many people think it’s that simple; it’s not. If it was, everyone who’s taken a shower…

Sue HawkesSacrifice is a Reality #165

Opportunities in Disguise #160

by Sue Hawkes

Opportunities in Disguise #160 When your core values align with your employees, clients, partners, and vendors, you can make mistakes. When trust is high, and you’ve delivered on what you said time after time, you can make mistakes. When you go the extra mile, especially when it’s not required or expected, you can make mistakes. When you’ve done none of…

Sue HawkesOpportunities in Disguise #160

Will You Risk? #155 

by Sue Hawkes

Will You Risk? #155  Complacency. It’s something that happens when you begin to accept the results you have as all that is possible. It’s the benchmark of mediocrity and the crusher of dreams.  Many teams become complacent with scorecard numbers and rocks over time. They begin to see the red numbers or hear the words “off track” week after week and…

Sue HawkesWill You Risk? #155

Don’t Waste Your Money or Your Time #152 

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t Waste Your Money or Your Time #152  Today was refreshing. During a meeting with a new client, one of the team members stated to the rest of the leadership team, “I don’t want to do this if we’re going to treat it like a program. It’s a lifestyle change, and we’re either in and doing it as a way of…

Sue HawkesDon’t Waste Your Money or Your Time #152

The Power House: Client Highlight

by Ali Stieglbauer

The Power House: Client Highlight Interview The motto at The Power House is “win your life.” Owner Max Lipset and his team of coaches help clients (including Sue) win their lives every day through five main fitness services: group coaching, private coaching, team training, corporate fitness and wellness, and elite athlete training. The gym offers yoga, Pilates, CrossFit and nutritional…

Ali StieglbauerThe Power House: Client Highlight