Every Action has an Impact #143

by Sue Hawkes

Every Action has an Impact #143  Recently, I had an interesting situation occur. Two different colleagues, one male and one female, each made an error in delivering what they promised to me. Both reached out by voice and then followed up with an email within a few minutes of the call.  Neither commitment was time-sensitive or directly negatively impacted my future…

Sue HawkesEvery Action has an Impact #143

Following My Own Advice #142

by Sue Hawkes

Following My Own Advice #142 Asking for help. It’s a seldom practiced skill for a hardworking, self-sufficient, proud leader whose identity is wrapped up in what you do. In fact, it’s uncomfortable because of the vulnerable position you’re in. It can feel like an admission of incompetence or weakness. It’s not the case, and because I often speak about how…

Sue HawkesFollowing My Own Advice #142

Why Wait? #141 

by Sue Hawkes

Why Wait? #141  Incompletions waste energy.   Think about it. When something is unfinished, you ruminate on it. Whether it’s a conversation, a puzzle, a task or a project, your mind and your actions wander back to it over and over thrashing like a computer. Your energy is trapped as is your momentum. When you’re incomplete, you can’t move on. Not fully. Part of you…

Sue HawkesWhy Wait? #141

Gaining Perspective #140

by Sue Hawkes

Gaining Perspective #140 I was having a rough day Wednesday. Many factors contributed, but suffice it to say, when relationships are going poorly it’s disruptive in a way that feels discombobulating. I simply don’t feel good. I feel sick to my stomach, moving through my day mentally rehashing the situation and desiring a different outcome. Though that experience was clouding…

Sue HawkesGaining Perspective #140

What Calms You? #139

by Sue Hawkes

What Calms You? #139  There’s a stillness in winter you can experience when it’s quiet enough and you’re outside with a gentle snow falling which is magical. Those of you who are not from cold weather climates may not have experienced this – it’s an occasional thing, not your daily experience if you’re outside in the cold.  Those who partake in…

Sue HawkesWhat Calms You? #139

Whether You Like it or Not #138

by Sue Hawkes

Whether You Like it or Not #138 I love living in Minnesota. The transitions the seasons provide are something I look forward to. This is a telltale sign you’re a native. Most people, who are not native Minnesotans, only describe winter and the cold. Those of us who are born and raised, know better. Our summers are phenomenal, though this…

Sue HawkesWhether You Like it or Not #138

It’s up to You #137 

by Sue Hawkes

It’s up to You #137  Two lives well lived. This week we had the pleasure of celebrating my in-laws 55th wedding anniversary. We had the entire family together for a vacation and one of the highlights is their relationship. They are a wonderful, rare couple. They complement each other well, and have grounded, solid values at the center of their relationship and family. They visibly enjoy being with one another and are…

Sue HawkesIt’s up to You #137

In the Quiet Spaces #136

by Sue Hawkes

In the Quiet Spaces #136 When you have the gift of time, with no schedule and nothing pressing you to get ready, what do you do? For me, my mind can race with possibilities. I feel an urgency to do the things that I’ve been procrastinating, to be active and exercise, to cook and hang art, change the décor of…

Sue HawkesIn the Quiet Spaces #136

Consider the Impact #135

by Sue Hawkes

Consider the Impact #135 It’s happening. The world of flexibility in the work we do and how we do it is happening. Some companies have embraced it fully and are adjusting to a freelance workforce, partnering, outsourcing, and automating coupled with their full-time workforce. How do you lead effectively with partners who are not employees? The autocratic way won’t work.…

Sue HawkesConsider the Impact #135

When the Exceptions Happen #134

by Sue Hawkes

When the Exceptions Happen #134 Thinking; sometimes it’s like a superpower. In our crazy, convenience based, fast-paced world if you don’t have a core set of processes for consistent delivery of your product or services, you won’t succeed for long. There’s a fine line between consistent delivery of excellence and documenting so much that those using the system don’t have…

Sue HawkesWhen the Exceptions Happen #134