One profound lesson available to us all right now is to meet people where they are. Are you curious enough to find out what someone is dealing with right now? Do you check in, ground yourself and see all that is available when fully present with someone or do you breeze by, making your deposits and moving onto the next “thing”…
Have you ever had to wait through something difficult? Try waiting through your best friend’s brain surgery. I find myself torn between being centered, optimistic and hopeful and terrified, irritable, and off kilter. God bless my family for weathering my moods. There’s no easy or peaceful way to muscle through this. I’ve found prayer, conversation and focusing on the vast numbers of people praying and supporting…
Don’t be fooled. For many people, we are lulled into a false sense of pseudo-normalcy right now. We are relaxed, forgetting the numbers are increasing, going back to what “feels” normal during a year when “normal” ended in March. Be mindful, stay focused. Enjoy the summer, but don’t relax away from being vigilant about being safe, thoughtful, kind and awake to the world…
Control what you can and release the rest. One thing I know about myself, if things feel out of control, I clean; I organize, I purge and I clean. It works. It restores a sense of peace in my environment, while I’m organizing, purging and cleaning I also declutter my thoughts. I empty some demons lurking between my ears. It works. In the grand scheme of things,…
As a feeling person, when the vast array of feelings collide all at once, it results in numbness for me. I can’t process them all, can’t feel anything, and am left in a void, feeling empty and wanting to disappear. If not disappear, I’d like to run away. Only I can’t. I must breathe, regroup, and center myself in something bigger than my feelings. Finding…
Knowing is better than not knowing. When there are too many variables at play and way too many things feel uncertain, it’s easy to lose sight of what is and let your thoughts and feelings carry you into overwhelm, anxiety and fear. Enter 2020. We’re all at a level of fatigue, denial or dismissal at varying times. How do you re-center? You return to…
I learn so much in conversation with great leaders. @NancyGeenan is one of those leaders. We were having a conversation after a Zoom meeting we were in together for many hours and discovered some things. In our virtual worlds, we can look at what’s working or not working. We were talking about the ways in which we are better because of it. Though we…
Initiating action is a drug for me. Being causal. Starting movements. Call it the entrepreneur in me, but when there is a need for action, I’m in. This year is suited to people like me. We catalyze opportunities and are okay with making mistakes. Our cautious culture in Minnesota is leery of this. That’s okay, my approval needs are low and my risk tolerance…
This simple post came up 8 years later and resonates powerfully today: Missing somebody? ….. Call Wanna meet up? ….. Invite Wanna be understood? …..Explain Have questions? …..Ask Don’t like something? …..Say it Like something? …..State it Want something? …..Ask for it Love someone? …..Tell them No one knows what’s going on in your mind, it’s better to express than to expect. Our world is complex and…
We all play different roles. Don’t assume your role should look like anyone else’s, it shouldn’t. When I’m in new territory, what I’ve noticed is I am willing to ask for help, admit what I don’t know, make mistakes, and be humble about the journey. The good news is that is where learning happens. The bad news for me is…