A Worthy Checklist #156

by Sue Hawkes

A Worthy Checklist #156 Thank you to Michael Allosso for a wake-up call in the form of a checklist from his You On Your Best Day workshop. I was coursing through documents and revisited this one again today. It is worthy of my attention and something I’ve chosen to post in my office as a reminder. I’d like to say…

Sue HawkesA Worthy Checklist #156

Will You Risk? #155 

by Sue Hawkes

Will You Risk? #155  Complacency. It’s something that happens when you begin to accept the results you have as all that is possible. It’s the benchmark of mediocrity and the crusher of dreams.  Many teams become complacent with scorecard numbers and rocks over time. They begin to see the red numbers or hear the words “off track” week after week and…

Sue HawkesWill You Risk? #155

Either Way, You’ll Be Right #154 

by Sue Hawkes

Either Way, You’ll Be Right #154  Abundance. It’s easy to forget there’s more than enough of everything when you focus on what you don’t have.   I see it every day with teams as we check in quarterly regarding their goals for the year. For those measuring on a calendar year, it often happens around June or September. They look at their…

Sue HawkesEither Way, You’ll Be Right #154

Two Hacks to Move Past Faulty Thinking #153 

by Sue Hawkes

Two Hacks to Move Past Faulty Thinking #153  Have you ever talked yourself out of something due to the thought of the work associated with doing it? Think of deadlines, new projects, behavioral changes, or physical activity like working out.  Your brain can rationalize away every benefit of beginning or doing the task before you even start. You will tell yourself…

Sue HawkesTwo Hacks to Move Past Faulty Thinking #153

Don’t Waste Your Money or Your Time #152 

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t Waste Your Money or Your Time #152  Today was refreshing. During a meeting with a new client, one of the team members stated to the rest of the leadership team, “I don’t want to do this if we’re going to treat it like a program. It’s a lifestyle change, and we’re either in and doing it as a way of…

Sue HawkesDon’t Waste Your Money or Your Time #152 

Being a Brave, Bold Female Leader Across All Challenges

by Sue Hawkes

Being a Brave, Bold Female Leader Across All Challenges The worlds of business and entrepreneurship weren’t built with female leaders in mind. On top of the high social barrier to entry, it can feel like adversity is thrown at you from all directions as you struggle to get ahead or even get started. More often than not, the odds are…

Sue HawkesBeing a Brave, Bold Female Leader Across All Challenges

Work With the Willing #151

by Sue Hawkes

Work With the Willing #151 As leaders, you’re tasked with two things: leading people and managing results. If you can do both well, you are the magician most of us want on our team. Any given day, you can defer to the easier of the two given your skillset. Certainly results, when mostly attainable from our own actions, are easier.…

Sue HawkesWork With the Willing #151

15% to Goal Lessons #150 

by Sue Hawkes

15% to Goal Lessons #150 This series of 50 blog posts has been interesting as well. For those new to this, I’m on a journey to 1,000 posts writing 5 blogs/week Monday through Friday, with none missed over the four years it will take to complete this mission. Here are my lessons this series: It’s been more fits and starts or binge and…

Sue Hawkes15% to Goal Lessons #150

Stay in Joy or Leave in Peace #149

by Sue Hawkes

Stay in Joy or Leave in Peace #149  How many times do you do something out of obligation?  It’s not a great way to spend your most precious commodity, time. Why commit to something if you don’t intend on enjoying it? That is always a choice. Do you realize it?  Often, we agree to do things half-heartedly, because we believe we…

Sue HawkesStay in Joy or Leave in Peace #149

Stay on the Bus #148 

by Sue Hawkes

Stay on the Bus #148  Have you ever struggled with a situation over days or weeks, which seems unresolvable with the people participating? Me too and it stinks. When other people won’t participate in the solution, it’s painful and leaves you with a void; a glaring incompletion.  You can’t reach a resolution in isolation. You arrive at pauses; like bus stops where you are waiting, yet no bus appears to help…

Sue HawkesStay on the Bus #148