KISS #183

by Sue Hawkes

KISS #183 Life seems to ebb and flow, to speed and relax. It could be seasonal, work or personally related. As the holidays approach, it certainly seems many people’s lives accelerate with events and festivities packed in all at once to celebrate the season. It happens every year, yet many people seem exhausted, irritable or challenged with the pace. Slowing…

Sue HawkesKISS #183

Overwhelmed or Grateful? #182

by Sue Hawkes

Overwhelmed or Grateful? #182 What I’ve noticed is my life never really slows down. I’ve lived in the illusion that most of my world will correct itself once I get “this” or “that” happens. It could be an event, a series of events, a project, a set of tasks, a string of travel, family events, the holidays, or celebrations. It…

Sue HawkesOverwhelmed or Grateful? #182

Don’t Wait #181

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t Wait #181 If you want something, do you wait for it? I don’t. In my twenties, when I wanted a job, I met with the owners of a small training company and expressed my interest in working for them. They told me they couldn’t afford to hire any employees at the time. Though I was disappointed, I began to…

Sue HawkesDon’t Wait #181

Shattering Illusions and Lowering The Bar #173

by Sue Hawkes

Shattering Illusions and Lowering The Bar #173 Have you ever thought about the time when you decided there was a “right” way to live? Oh, we’ve all done it. It is easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives to the lives of others. But where does that leave us? Diminished and discounted on both sides. We all…

Sue HawkesShattering Illusions and Lowering The Bar #173

Serving Should Cost You Nothing #167

by Sue Hawkes

Serving Should Cost You Nothing #167 I love talking with Jill Young (@jillintexas). She’s positive, energetic, loving, generous and thoughtful. In every conversation, you will be better as a result. We were chatting about the fine line between serving others and being Unf♥<kwithable. While we were exploring, I offered “if you are truly serving, it should cost you nothing.” In…

Sue HawkesServing Should Cost You Nothing #167

10 Reasons to Get Over It #159

by Sue Hawkes

10 Reasons to Get Over It #159 The biggest opportunity to build trust is when there’s a break or absence of trust. What? It’s true. When there’s a break, disagreement, or conflict of any sort, we all cringe. No one looks forward to conflict, healthy or not. And yet, it’s the single greatest opportunity to build trust, repair the relationship,…

Sue Hawkes10 Reasons to Get Over It #159