Curve Balls #224 Curveballs. They happen. It’s when the stuff you couldn’t imagine or wouldn’t know was coming shows up and interrupts the previously scheduled plans you’ve had. They happen in small ways every day. If you’re over-scheduled, there’s no room for them and they result in anxiety, stress and broken promises. There’s a simple fix for this one, schedule…
Counting My Blessings #223 For those celebrating Christmas and those who are not, many appreciate this time of year for religious celebrations, reflections of year-end, and a time of gratitude. As I appreciate those in my life, the blessing of time off before we launch into 2020, time with friends, incredible business greats, the health of those I love, the…
100% Or Nothing #222 How do you know when your team has said all they need to say in a meeting? There’s no meeting after the meeting. None. At all. When covering team health with leadership teams, we work at building trust, embracing and encouraging conflict, and ensuring all the members weigh in and say what they need to in…
Where You Begin #221 Leadership. Managing your mindset when you lack results is often the hardest part of leading, and that applies in business and sports. The game is easy; people are not. As the final Vikings/Packers game approaches, I’m reminded of what turned Aaron Rodgers’ game around when it was lagging (which was a brief, and rare occurrence). As…
If You Pay Attention #220 Have you ever had a really challenging person in your life? Of course, you have. We all have. The great news about being in their presence, especially if it’s with frequency, is that they are showing us exactly what NOT to do on a daily basis. Some may get exasperated, however from a space of…
The Guilt Of The Season #219 Why do we have guilt over not fitting everything and everyone in—especially at this time of year? I was asked this question during an interview and my take is this: many of us have bought into a “you can have it all” experience in life. We worry about others’ judgments, approval, and feelings, yet…
You Need To Keep Score #218 I love football and use sports as a metaphor for team performance all the time. At this time of year, most leadership teams are reconciling how 2019 has gone and either celebrating or justifying the results (or lack thereof) they have. I traveled to Denver the day after the Vikings played the Broncos. It…
To Learn, Not To Win #217 In the midst of year-end strategic planning and all the things leadership teams discuss and debate at the end of the year, conflict is inevitable. I noted a great quote from one of my leadership teams today: “we debate to learn, we don’t debate to win.” This is a simple phrase that keeps the…
Where Life Expands #216 There’s a great quote stating, “what you think of me is none of my business.” I believe it comes from a book by Terry Cole-Whittaker from the 1980s. It’s one I’ve come to love for many reasons; the main point being the peace, freedom, and joy that follows once applied literally. I was at a concert…
Finding Time Where There Is None #215 Our time is limited and during the holidays, schedules can feel even more compressed than usual. For our business, it’s also “annual season” which means we’re often working six- or seven-day weeks on top of the festivities and additional events. What can you do about it? Here’s a simple calendar exercise which can…