3 Keys to Success #123 

by Sue Hawkes

3 Keys to Success #123  As someone who has coached leadership teams for the past 25+ years, I am an observer of the thinking and behaviors of high-performance teams. At the top of the organization, it’s imperative you are aligned and clear on where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. The clarity can be reached and adapted quickly…

Sue Hawkes3 Keys to Success #123

Mastery Begins in the Mind #122 

by Sue Hawkes

Mastery Begins in the Mind #122  I arrived at the MSP airport as usual (yess, if you travel frequently you even think in airport codes – MSP is Minneapolis St. Paul for those who may not know), ready to quickly move through the security line. I have all the possible accessories to accelerate this because, again, any delay is time away…

Sue HawkesMastery Begins in the Mind #122

15 Hacks to Stay Focused in a Noisy World #121 

by Sue Hawkes

15 Hacks to Stay Focused in a Noisy World #121  Create a system clarifying how communication works with your team. For example: What are the criteria for text, email, phone calls, in-person/virtual meetings? For our internal team, text is immediate need; email is information only and to be prioritized by the deadline requested in the email or amidst your existing commitments; phone or virtual meetings are for dialog…

Sue Hawkes15 Hacks to Stay Focused in a Noisy World #121

Be Sure to Read to #12 – #120

by Sue Hawkes

Be Sure to Read to #12 – #120 One of the great gifts that comes with blogging is when readers comment (please do). It’s even better when you ask questions to continue the dialog. This blog is an answer to Maia who wrote in after blog #75, “Where You Go, They Go” was published on our social media as well…

Sue HawkesBe Sure to Read to #12 – #120

You Don’t Have to be Smart to be Successful #119

by Sue Hawkes

You Don’t Have to be Smart to be Successful #119 You don’t have to be smart to be successful. You need to be wise.  This contradicts some of what we’re pushing in our world right now. Smart is the ability to take tests, the emphasis is on memorization and production or output.  Wisdom comes from experience, risk-taking, mistakes and being…

Sue HawkesYou Don’t Have to be Smart to be Successful #119

Please help us reach 100? #118 

by Sue Hawkes

Please help us reach 100? #118  Many of you followed our Minnesota staycation through social media. As a result, we were surprised by the number of requests for the “list” we generated of ideas we have for exploring our home state. We’ve now visited several of them and will continue adding to the list over the coming years to ensure we continue…

Sue HawkesPlease help us reach 100? #118

How to Live a Wealthy Life #117

by Sue Hawkes

How to Live a Wealthy Life #117 Wealth. It’s a juicy word I’ve been contemplating. The definition is: an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount. ( In a scarce world, how do you come from abundance; or wealth? For me, the word transcends money. It is inclusive of time, energy, money, intellect, possibilities and resources. When I consider where scarcity creeps in most often for me,…

Sue HawkesHow to Live a Wealthy Life #117

Suffering is Optional #116

by Sue Hawkes

Suffering is Optional #116  Cy Wakeman is a newer hero of mine. She is a straight talker who delivers a great dose of reality with her content. She’s a drama researcher by training and is abundant with all she shares. One of the powerful distinctions she shares is between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is validating things the way they are…

Sue HawkesSuffering is Optional #116

Reasons or Results #115

by Sue Hawkes

Reasons or Results #115 I was working with a team recently and one member challenged me on single-point accountability. She said she disagreed with the concept and their people “share” accountability for getting things done. While this is a great idea, it will always lead to the same outcome. When things are working, it’s a fine concept. What happens when…

Sue HawkesReasons or Results #115

Stop Wasting Time Trying to Manage Time (Part 3) #114

by Sue Hawkes

Stop Wasting Time Trying to Manage Time (Part 3) #114 Here it is, the BIGGEST time waster of all.  There is one activity that never makes anyone’s calendar, yet we waste oodles of time on it… e-mail! Most people constantly interrupt their workflow to read or respond the moment someone sends an email.  One word of advice – DON’T. Bless…

Sue HawkesStop Wasting Time Trying to Manage Time (Part 3) #114