Q4 is here and officially in full swing. The year-end sprint filled with holidays, deadlines, and overcommitment has arrived. It’s easy to wonder where the time has gone – it seems like April was just yesterday. It’s also easy to get caught in the illusion that we have more time. We don’t. The unexpected always comes up, and no matter…
The people are the work. After all, if we didn’t have a team, we’d have no way of doing business. That doesn’t mean it’s easy managing human energy. Whether it’s conflicting personalities, miscommunication, or accountability challenges, leading and managing people is the toughest job every leader has. How do we dedicate the time our people need, while also managing all…
When someone complains, what’s really happening? When we complain it’s because we had different expectations in mind. If you can pause to think, you’ll realize every complaint is a veiled request. When we’re unable to reframe our irritation into a request, we comment about what’s wrong, missing, or shouldn’t be happening the way it is now. It’s easy to roll…
As I led our leadership and management communication workshop last week, I was reminded again of the Clarity Break’s power. Whether you call it a Clarity Break, thinking time, or time to work on your business, having space in your week to pause and reflect is critical if you want to be a great leader. All the leaders in the…
As we enter Q4 and gear up for a busy few months filled with year-end goals, deadlines, and of course the holiday season, I’m using gratitude to keep me present, end the year strong, and enjoy the ride. It’s easy to get consumed with our to-do lists, what’s not working, and what we’d intended to accomplish by this point in…
We all know the value of hard data, how numbers and measurables help to keep emotions, opinions, and subjectivity in check as we consider all parts of our decisions. It isn’t, however, the only kind of data. Intuitive data, or gut instinct, is critical for leaders. Too often, we negate our “gut instinct” because we are swayed by other things. …
Life has its ups and downs, and we all face those seasons where it seems like nothing is going our way. Over the years (and after my own fair share of seasons like this!) I’ve learned a practice that always helps my perspective: giving what I need to others. Am I looking for support? I find a way to support…
As I reflect on profound wisdom I heard in a recent discussion, I’m reminded again of the power of believing in ourselves. Without self-belief, our dreams become hopes with no action behind them, and we never take the risks that lead to growth. To excel in business, life, and really anything, we must first trust ourselves. We may not have…
Accountability is the driving force behind Intentional Greatness®. To excel in business, leadership, and life, discipline and persistent commitment are essential. You know this, but are you trying to go alone? A few key ingredients I’ve found to create persistent commitment include these: We all need a supportive community. Surround yourself with like-minded folks who are just as committed to…
Wowza. This has been a year of learning and this most recent leg has been filled with lessons. Here’s the top lessons I’m learning over the past 50 blogs: