What if, amidst all the chaos, change, challenge, pain, worry, and doubt, we could surrender and rise above it all and ask ourselves; if this pandemic could teach us something, what would it be? What is the greater lesson beyond survival? Perhaps, if we can surrender, this is an opportunity to truly come together. No one person has the answer,…
The gifts of social distancing far outweigh the costs. I’m busy restructuring life as it works now. We’re eating healthier, enjoying cooking and eating meals without a rush and connecting more with friends, family, and our community. When there’s time available, you can do all the things you’ve been meaning to! We’ve accomplished more in the past several days, with…
It’s at times like these where we need to laugh, be inspired, and find joy, peace, and fulfillment in the daily rituals and simplicities of life. Be sure to take a pause from looking at what you can’t do, what the news says, and what’s challenging you and your team or family. During this pause, ask yourself: What can I…
During turbulent times, as a business leader, we must become the voice of reason amidst a sea of noise. What I’ve repeatedly discussed over the past several days with CEOs across the country is the notion of instilling confidence and optimism when the circumstances and conditions around us don’t support it. Leaders are born and must rise during times like…
This prayer is borrowed from Alcoholics Anonymous. I’m not in recovery, though I am familiar with and appreciate many of the traditions. The Seventh Step Prayer helps me navigate my ego as well as challenging times like these. I wanted to share it in the event it would inspire someone else today: The Seventh Step Prayer My Creator, I am…
I didn’t realize growing up with depression era parents prepared me for a pandemic. In our house, we have enough supplies. While I believe we work hard and try to do the right thing, my husband and I are both from humble backgrounds. My parent’s practices offered great training for today’s world and I’m grateful. Here are some of the…
Self-preservation in turbulent times is sometimes a lot to ask. What can you do to manage your mindset as we’re asked to practice social distancing? Self-care is a must. Read more. If it’s been a while, indulge. You can learn or go on a journey in a book. Practice great self-care. Drink water, exercise/manage stress with activity, meditate, journal (gratitude…
We’re facing chaotic times and are in uncharted territory. How will you create calm during chaos? As a leader, what helps you stay present, healthy, and nimble as things are changing by the moment? Here are some practices to help you more effectively stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit as we navigate the challenges ahead: Listen and reframe what’s…
I reached a breaking point last week. The chaos of Coronavirus and its impact was just too much. My mood reflected that frustration, sadness, sense of loss of control, fear, and anxiety. It wasn’t working for me. I was less than productive and stuck. And that’s when it happened. I re-framed my mindset. I reminded myself it’s easy to lead when…
You are the total of the six people you spend the majority of your time with. If you haven’t heard this phrase, consider it. As I consider my own life, those six people absolutely influence my habitual behavior. We all need a cast of characters who support, uplift, and challenge us. People who care enough to be honest and help…