Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable #195

by Sue Hawkes

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable #195 Do something today that your future self will thank you for. If you’re only doing the things that are safe, comfortable or predictable, you and your life can become pretty boring. As we embark upon a new line of business at YESS! it’s making my heart beat faster, my blood pressure rises a bit while…

Sue HawkesGet Comfortable Being Uncomfortable #195

Playing Whack-a-Mole #190

by Sue Hawkes

Playing Whack-a-Mole #190 If you’ve ever seen a game of Whack-a-Mole, you understand the sense of anxiety it creates. When it’s time to hit the moles, they seem to accelerate faster than you can react and it causes stress. Metaphorically speaking, this can be what a day in the life of any leader can feel like. I had a Whack-a-Mole…

Sue HawkesPlaying Whack-a-Mole #190

Don’t Wait #181

by Sue Hawkes

Don’t Wait #181 If you want something, do you wait for it? I don’t. In my twenties, when I wanted a job, I met with the owners of a small training company and expressed my interest in working for them. They told me they couldn’t afford to hire any employees at the time. Though I was disappointed, I began to…

Sue HawkesDon’t Wait #181

Serving Should Cost You Nothing #167

by Sue Hawkes

Serving Should Cost You Nothing #167 I love talking with Jill Young (@jillintexas). She’s positive, energetic, loving, generous and thoughtful. In every conversation, you will be better as a result. We were chatting about the fine line between serving others and being Unf♥<kwithable. While we were exploring, I offered “if you are truly serving, it should cost you nothing.” In…

Sue HawkesServing Should Cost You Nothing #167

Opportunities in Disguise #160

by Sue Hawkes

Opportunities in Disguise #160 When your core values align with your employees, clients, partners, and vendors, you can make mistakes. When trust is high, and you’ve delivered on what you said time after time, you can make mistakes. When you go the extra mile, especially when it’s not required or expected, you can make mistakes. When you’ve done none of…

Sue HawkesOpportunities in Disguise #160

Will You Risk? #155 

by Sue Hawkes

Will You Risk? #155  Complacency. It’s something that happens when you begin to accept the results you have as all that is possible. It’s the benchmark of mediocrity and the crusher of dreams.  Many teams become complacent with scorecard numbers and rocks over time. They begin to see the red numbers or hear the words “off track” week after week and…

Sue HawkesWill You Risk? #155

Either Way, You’ll Be Right #154 

by Sue Hawkes

Either Way, You’ll Be Right #154  Abundance. It’s easy to forget there’s more than enough of everything when you focus on what you don’t have.   I see it every day with teams as we check in quarterly regarding their goals for the year. For those measuring on a calendar year, it often happens around June or September. They look at their…

Sue HawkesEither Way, You’ll Be Right #154